Thursday, June 19, 2008

work so far

So far this week at work has been going well. We are making progress with the work, although at times it can be very frustrating I have found. But things are coming along. For now it is pretty much purely computer programming to try to wort through tons and tons and tons of data that we took in like 10 minutes last week and throw out trashy stuff after figuring out why it is trashy. Its a big challenge for me but so far I have found it fun to try to think in an abstractly practical (oxymoron?) about the physics and principles behind the detector to be able to write the analysis code. Hopefully next week we will get a chance to go back into the lab for more data takeing and some more hands on work. And this time, we may be getting to use a different detector setup inside a magnetic field. For me, this will be very exciting I think.

1 comment:

Luke said...

Hey Sam,
I just caught up on reading your blog... good stuff. I'm jealous of your visit to Liz, and wish I could have been there. So, when are you planning to come down to visit me? haha. Keep up the posts, and enjoy your work.